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Author Topic: Long flight  (Read 4142 times)

Offline Mike Fadden

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Long flight
« on: 29 April 2010, 16:39 »
Just saw an OLC flight of 711 km in an ASW 15 by Werner Bennert in Germany. 8 1/2 hrs. Nice. The old birds can still go! I just had my first flight of the season - 4 1/2 hrs and thermals to 11,000' in Pennsylvania USA. Went about 250 km but was afraid to really go for it as there were no clouds. Logger didn't work so no trace.

Offline drwise

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Re: Long flight
« Reply #1 on: 09 May 2010, 22:30 »
I’m the new guy on the block and hopefully soon to be the proud owner of an ASW 15b…I noticed from your posting, you were from the NJ/PA area…I’m located in Lancaster PA and fly with the Cloudniners at Morgantown, PA…The club has a L-13 for training and a 1-26 for our HIGH PERFORMANCE glider…At the first meeting I attended I ask about outlanding and was quickly told “WE DIDN’T DO THAT” It seems like a good club but if I’m going to do any XC I’m going to have to buy my own glider…I think if I had to land the club’s 1-26 in some farmers field, I’d get shot (by the club members, not the farmer).
I noticed you had a real nice flight of 4 plus hours, way to go!!!
Where do you fly out of??? If I get the ASW 15b, maybe we could meet up somewhere….
Also any advice for the newbie would be appericiated… 
PS: What about that wind today???

Offline Mike Fadden

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Re: Long flight
« Reply #2 on: 01 June 2010, 18:28 »

Sorry it took so long to get back. I don't visit the forum very often. I fly out of Hammonton, NJ , about 25 miles west of Atlantic City. Our club just voted to dissolve so I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm trying to convince the members to donate some or all of the planes (Pawnee, L13 and 2-33) to a new club that I, along with some other people, would form. We'll see. Anyway, I've seen a glider flying near the turnpike exit, I think it may have been the 1-26. I've thought about trying a one way flight to your field from Hammonton. I'm sure it could be done on a really good day. My 15 is at Ridge Soaring right now. It lives there except for the summer when its close to home. If you've never been there I highly recommend it. Great training, people and soaring. I might be going out this weekend if it look flyable. I hope you get/got the 15 B - they are really great gliders for the money.

Offline drwise

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Re: Long flight
« Reply #3 on: 01 June 2010, 20:30 »
Thanks for the information..I'm still looking for a good glider/ trailer combo but in the mean time I'll flying the clubs gliders...I'm thinking about taking some duel instruction at Ridge Soaring...Running the ridges would be new to me and I'm thinking a little instruction before I try it solo would be prudent...Maybe I'll run into you up there...
Good flying and be safe

Offline Mike Fadden

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  • Stationned at airfield: Hammonton Municipal Airport (N81) USA
Re: Long flight
« Reply #4 on: 03 June 2010, 14:28 »
I can't recommend Ridge soaring enough. The run some full immersion courses that consist of fifteen flights in five days, some classroom each day and bunk house included. They will tailor it to your skill level and the instructors are great. I did it several years ago and loved it. Its not cheap but well worth it.

Good luck w/your search. I look at W&W almost daily, dreaming about my next ship. I was ready to buy a couple of years ago and then my investments tanked with everybody else's. There are still some ASW 15s listed and a Grob 102 and some Libelles. All would be good first ships. The most common advice I've heard is "Buy the most that you can afford". If you have any questions about potential purchases feel free to drop me a line. I've done a fair amount of research on gliders in the $15-35K range. Well, I'm off to the ridge today for what looks like a good day tomorrow. You're fortunate to be so close.   


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