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Author Topic: Trolley for wings and painting  (Read 3472 times)

Offline Seibert

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Trolley for wings and painting
« on: 11 April 2010, 14:45 »
I have a very old trailer and like to get out the wings with less effort. The wingtips are put into a belt which is running on the roof of the trailer. This is not the problem.
I had to pull out the wings at the wing root and walk back to get the wing out. Hereby I had to bend my back which is not very healthy. Otherwise the wing will come into contact with trailerroof. Is someone using a special cart for this action? I don´t need this very specialized wing installing carts which are very expensive in my view. I would like to built a trolley by my own and need some ideas.
Thanks to everyone who could help me.

My ASW 15 is built in 1974 and both wings and the pitch elevator got a lot of cracks because of UV radiation and so on. The cracks are mostly on the top side of the ASW 15. Does it make sense to paint only the above side of the airplane again?


« Last Edit: 12 April 2010, 19:38 by Seibert »

Offline Johan van Ravenzwaaij

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Re: Trolley for wings and painting
« Reply #1 on: 11 April 2010, 16:27 »
I had to pull out the wings at the wing root and walk back to get the wing out. Hereby I had to bend my back which is not very healthy. Otherwise the wing will come into contact with trailerroof.
I have little trouble picturing the situation. Could you attach a image of this problem?
My ASW 15 is built in 1974 and both wings and the pitch elevator got a lot of cracks because of UV radiation and so on. The cracks are mostly on the top side of the ASW 15. Does it make sense to paint only the above side of the airplane again?
Esthetically it's not so nice, but it's possible. 8)
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Offline Paul Daly

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Re: Trolley for wings and painting
« Reply #2 on: 20 April 2010, 22:54 »
Hi Hans
I have the same problem, what I do is after removing the fuse I lower the supported end, that makes it easy to remove the wings and then reverse at the end of flying day after hours of fun simple ;D
I have seen a trolley made for this job it is. a moulding made of the leading edge about 300mm x 300mm lone with two wheels fitted to it
regards Paul
ps Johan thanks for the spell checker :)
may all your landings be smooth


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