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Author Topic: weight and balance  (Read 4645 times)

Offline Hans

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weight and balance
« on: 08 July 2009, 13:35 »

I'm considering to purchase a'71 ASW15 from a local club member (not the B-version). The overall condition is pretty good, and the plane has allways been well maintained and documented. The ASW is repainted about 10 years ago, so the surfaces are looking very good. EASA is done as well.
However, I/m a little consirned about the weigt and balance. Leaving the factory in '71, the empty weight was 221 kg. Today, the empty weight is 234 kg. The increase in weight is probably due to the repainting, and some extra equipment (logger, e-vario, pda, ...).
Here are some questions :
- according to the manual, the empty weight should be 205kg. Leaving the factory the empty weight was allready 221kg. Does other ASW15 show comparable figures?
- Currently the weight is 234kg. Each wing has a weight of about 62kg. The center of gravity (empty weiht) is 649mm, which is just on the rear-limit. Does other ASW15 show comparable figures?
- With a max all-up weight of 318 kg, the max load is limited to 84kg. For myself (incl. chute) this is just OK. Is it a problem if a heavier pilot (say 95kg) would fly the glider?
- a light-weigt pilot of our club (65kg) did fly the glider and found it pretty sensitive on the elevator. This probably due to the rear position of the centre of gravity. With a load of 84 kg I suspect the centre of gravity still to be at the rear end. To compensate, I would like to put some weigt in the nose. This ofcourse increase the empty weight even more. Has anyone done this before, any idea of how much weight would be needed?

Thanks for any aswers or suggestions,

Kind regards,


Offline Scott Alexander

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Re:weight and balance
« Reply #1 on: 10 July 2009, 02:35 »
I did a weight and balance of mine recently.  My CG was right smack in the middle.  I have never ever thought my elevator was pitch sensitive.  Infact it's the most forgiving elevator I have ever flown with.  I've got around 6,000 hours so I've got alot of aircraft to compare it with.

I fly mine hands off quite often in flight.  I'm constantly looking at the map, eating food, drinking water, taking pictures, etc.  This glider trims out wonderful.  I think my CG in the middle really helps the positive stability.

Offline Jay Ky

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Re:weight and balance
« Reply #2 on: 11 July 2009, 17:40 »
My answers to your 4 questions:
1. Yes, that is quit normal. E.g. mine (a "B") had a weight of almost 240kg and is mentioned with 230kg in the manuel.
2. Yes, I know others with the similar values.
3. Yes, it will work but it is not legal. - Furthermore the load could become a pitfall if you want to sell this gilder again. We are not any longer in the 70ths were pilots (or people in general) were more slim. ;)
4. Leave the center of gravity where it is. You will climb better and have a little better L/D.

If you have the weight from the last weight and balance sheet you should perform a new measurement by yourself to confirm the values, before you will have later a big suprise. If the documentation is really well done, then it should not be a problem to find out were the additional 13kg are coming from. For the pricing take point 3 (reselling) into account.

Offline Hans

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Re:weight and balance
« Reply #3 on: 11 July 2009, 21:41 »
Hi Jay,

Thanks a lot for your input.

I will shure check (measure) the weight and balance again before I will make a descission. And no, I don't want to end up flying illegal, even if it is not a problem for the glider.




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