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Author Topic: Why an ASW 15 (b)?  (Read 14377 times)

Offline Mensinga

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Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« on: 07 February 2009, 03:43 »
Hallo All,

As an early Solo-glider pilot(30 hrs), due for his license, I'm trying to find out which plane I should purchase for next years season. As by then the piggy bank and my flying experience should be adeguate..

Why did you, as ASW 15 owners, decide to purchase exacly this aircaft? Did you compare different types like Cirrus, Libelle etc?

Please let me know on what bases you have made you decision and why the ASW15 obviously stood out.

Thanks in advance!!

Eelco Mensinga

Offline Scott Alexander

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Re:Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #1 on: 08 February 2009, 04:32 »
I've been very impressed with the asw line of gliders.  The 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28, and 29 seem to all have good well thought out designs from assembly, safety, ergonomics, etc.

I'm overall impressed with this company.

When flying between thermals, it has always seemed that a friends asw-15 would beat my L-33 blanik single seater to it in speed and altitude.  I couldn't keep up with it.  I ended up buying that specific glider.

Offline Will Ellis

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Re:Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #2 on: 08 February 2009, 04:49 »
Hi Mensinga,

Most people will naturally compare the libelle, cirrus and asw15 as first glass gliders. There is very little to choose performance wise between the libelle and the asw15, though the cirrus is slightly better (depending on the wing loading of the 15, the cirrus is better in either the climb or the cruise). All three ships are going to be of simillar ages, so condition issues will be common for all of them (though most have now been refinished at some point). The libelle has a small more upright cockpit but most normal sized pilots should fit ok, the asw15 has a wider and longer cockpit (simillar to other later asw cockpits like asw19/peg but not quite as good support for the back of the legs), but the cirrus has by far the largest cockpit, simillar in size and shape to that of an astirCS. All three gliders are easy to fly, the airbrakes on my asw15 are very good, the cirrus airbrakes need modifying before they become good enough-but still not as good as the 15 (i dont know how good the brakes are on a libelle). Rigging all three is easy, possibly the cirrus is slightly easier, but this is a bit irrelevant anyway.

So personally i went for the asw15 because the libelle cockpit was just a bit too cramped and upright for my liking so that was ruled out, and the cirrus was just too expensive here in the uk at the time (it was about 10500 gbp instead of 7000 gbp which is a big difference). Also the 15b can take a larger amount of water ballast than the others, it is really nice to fly and it looks nice too.

Oh and dont be put off by people telling you about the dreaded balsa wing etc. There was only a handfull (at most) that ever suffered from any problems and all the rest were treated with fungicide-there have been no recorded problems since the whole fleet was treated.

I hope you find this helpful.


Offline Van Doninck

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Re:Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #3 on: 10 February 2009, 20:29 »

All the above mentioned points are valid.

Performance wise, there is very little difference between the Cirrus, Libelle and ASW15. Only the airbrakes of the ASW15 are considerably better than those of the Cirrus (although the modification apparently is very useful) and the Libelle. In a competition, it will be the pilot who will make the difference and not the glider.

The ASW15 and Libelle both have completely loose canopies, which is not as user-friendly than the hinged Cirrus Canopy. The Cirrus cockpit is also considerably more spacious. I’m 1.88m and I fly my ASW15 without the backrest. Not the most comfortably place to be, but once your flying you tend to forget this.

If you take into account the prize / condition / performance, than the ASW15 starts to make more sense. An ASW15 in a similar condition as an Cirrus or Libelle should be slightly cheaper.

I find the ASW15 a very nice, easy, friendly glider with about the best price / performance equation on the market. I bought my ASW15 when I had 24hrs solo experience, and I had no trouble what so ever (apart from some take off problems on account of the off-centre winch hook).

My suggestion is to take a close look at all 3 gliders, try the seating arrangements and buy the one you most fancy (without braking the bank).

Good luck finding your first glider

Offline Johan van Ravenzwaaij

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Re:Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #4 on: 12 February 2009, 02:49 »
Hi Eelco,

The writers above are all right. The thing I want to mention is that the 15 has been used in many clubs as a trainer; a proof of it's friendly characteristics.

A meet and greet with a 15 is allways possible, mine is based (in season) at Terlet also the Netherlands.
Conquer the skies with the Gelderse Soaring Club

Offline Mensinga

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Re:Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #5 on: 14 February 2009, 00:42 »
Thanks everybody for your advise!

This will certainly help in making a decision.

Too Johan van Ravenzwaaij: I'll accept your offer for a ASW 15 meet & greet this summer. Please email me your contact info to

Kind regards,

Eelco Mensinga

Offline drjy2k

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Re: Why an ASW 15 (b)?
« Reply #6 on: 22 January 2015, 09:48 »
This is an old thread but  maybe people are still looking.
I'm 182cm (5'11 3/4 and wondering if the 15 will accomodate me. (See my post on pilot size.

I am also curious to know if anybody has any experience with the conventional tail Standard Cirrus re' flying qualities.



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