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Author Topic: Just bought serial number 15189 ASW-15B  (Read 5321 times)

Offline Scott Alexander

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Just bought serial number 15189 ASW-15B
« on: 22 September 2008, 00:53 »

I just trailered back from New Castle, VA the 7th B model ever made.  It was a long 14 hour drive in a 4 cylinder Honda Accord pulling an old heavy metal trailer.  The Interstate Vne was about 62 mph  :(  

It now resides in Olive Branch, MS (10 miles from Memphis, TN).  It will be flown out of the Cherry Valley, AR glider club about 1.5 hours from my house.

The last time this glider flew was about 10 years ago. It was parked inside it's trailer, parked inside a hanger since then.  I had John Murray, and Hank Nixon give it a good look.  They each gave a thumbs up, and believed it to be structurally sound.

I now have to get it re-annualed, and cosmetically overhauled.  I plan on sanding it with 1200 grit wet-sanding paper, then buffing it with hard wax.  Then repainting the nose, wingtips and rudder to it's original color, orange.  

I have a long list of ideas to get it back in shape.  First of all, I'd like to fill the instrument panel with good instruments.  It's got an airspeed, altimeter, 2 varios allready.  There's an open hole in the center.  I plan on putting a GPS in there to log flights for the online contest.

Here's a few questions to you ASW-15 drivers.

1. How do I get the oxygen tank refurbished?

2. How much does it cost to "hinge" the canopy?

3. How much are winglets? (Cheapest version)

4. Can you recommend a GPS logger (cheapest) that can hook up to a PDA with See You Mobile?

5. Any recommendations to the glue or putty to patch up leaks in the trailer?

6. Where is the link to the guy who built the carbon fiber instrument panel?  That looked sweeeeet.


Scott Alexander

Offline Tom Watson

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Re:Just bought serial number 15189 ASW-15B
« Reply #1 on: 26 September 2008, 23:02 »
Congratulations on buying a fine sailplane. When next Spring rolls around, you are going to be one happy camper. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Offline Joshy

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Re:Just bought serial number 15189 ASW-15B
« Reply #2 on: 26 October 2008, 03:51 »
Scott Alexander wrote:

I just trailered back from New Castle, VA the 7th B model ever made.  It was a long 14 hour drive in a 4 cylinder Honda Accord pulling an old heavy metal trailer.  The Interstate Vne was about 62 mph  :(  

It now resides in Olive Branch, MS (10 miles from Memphis, TN).  It will be flown out of the Cherry Valley, AR glider club about 1.5 hours from my house.

The last time this glider flew was about 10 years ago. It was parked inside it's trailer, parked inside a hanger since then.  I had John Murray, and Hank Nixon give it a good look.  They each gave a thumbs up, and believed it to be structurally sound.

I now have to get it re-annualed, and cosmetically overhauled.  I plan on sanding it with 1200 grit wet-sanding paper, then buffing it with hard wax.  Then repainting the nose, wingtips and rudder to it's original color, orange.  

I have a long list of ideas to get it back in shape.  First of all, I'd like to fill the instrument panel with good instruments.  It's got an airspeed, altimeter, 2 varios allready.  There's an open hole in the center.  I plan on putting a GPS in there to log flights for the online contest.

Here's a few questions to you ASW-15 drivers.

1. How do I get the oxygen tank refurbished?

2. How much does it cost to "hinge" the canopy?

3. How much are winglets? (Cheapest version)

4. Can you recommend a GPS logger (cheapest) that can hook up to a PDA with See You Mobile?

5. Any recommendations to the glue or putty to patch up leaks in the trailer?

6. Where is the link to the guy who built the carbon fiber instrument panel?  That looked sweeeeet.


Scott Alexander

1. ? Dont Know?

2. Not possible in EASA land.

3. About 2000€.


5. ?

Additional PIK20E. Think positive, flaps negative.


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