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Author Topic: gelcoat repair  (Read 8992 times)

Offline Bruce

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gelcoat repair
« on: 08 April 2008, 11:46 »
I'm working on a friends ASW 15 which has been sitting in a barn for 4 years.  It's generally in good shape.  But water got in under the left wing and popped the gel coat.  The big sections are all on the bottom, I'd say there's a good 3 sqft (in 4-6 seperate patches) that nead to be filled.

Ahead of the spoiler there are some much smaller (and thinner) sections where the paint is pealing.  I'd say they are no more than 1/2 sqft.

I have some areas of concern...

- I want to fill the gaps using SuperFil.  It's been my filler of choice.

- Some of the underlying glass is discolored.  It's got mold and turned a deeper shade of tan.  Do I have glass damage?

- How critical is the top wing to variations in shape?    This isn't a competition ship, just a Sunday knock about.  All I care is that it doesn't fly poorly.

Check out the attached pictures, let me know your thoughts.

Offline Bruce

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Re:gelcoat repair
« Reply #1 on: 08 April 2008, 11:48 »
here's the discolor

Offline Johan van Ravenzwaaij

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Re:gelcoat repair
« Reply #2 on: 08 April 2008, 18:22 »
Hi Bruce,

I am really shocked about your pictures, it's a shame to see a glider in this state...

First of all, I would recommend you to show your project to a certified technician, especially one with overhauling experience. Let him check the glass, (UV) light can damage it. Also do a fungus check of your wing spar, you mention some water damage. Further on check the rods for corrosion.

Please do this first, before putting any energy (time and money) in this project for nothing.

Even though, I wish you the best of luck in your project and keep us updated about the progress.
Conquer the skies with the Gelderse Soaring Club

Offline Bruce

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Re:gelcoat repair
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2008, 00:51 »
There's definitely fungus on top of the gel coat.  No doubts, it's obvious.  But after I've uncovered more, the "blotches" appear to be under the glass and related to the micro used to bond the foam under-surface.  I'm confident I don't see an infestations of fungus on the bare glass.  It actually looks shocking pristine.

As for UV damage.  Unless it happened before it was put away, through the existing gel-coat, it's been in a dark closed trailer for 4 years.  

As for rust on the controls, there's no rust on any of the workings, aileron or spoilers.  They actuate smoothly and a visual inspection doesn't show corrosion.  They're all well lubricated still and didn't see direct contact with moisture.  Good idea to look though, thanks!  I'll double check when I lube them for annual.

Still, per your recommendation, I'll find a fiberglass expert to back me up on the condition of the base glass.

Offline Joshy

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Re:gelcoat repair
« Reply #4 on: 14 May 2008, 03:01 »
Look inside the spar with a periscope or endoscope.
When you have fungus there: give it to a museum.
When not: repaint the whole wing.
It´s not more work than what you plan now.
And you are sure that the delamination does not start at the next section.
Additional PIK20E. Think positive, flaps negative.

Offline colin

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Re:gelcoat repair
« Reply #5 on: 03 July 2008, 18:32 »
hi bruce where did you get too on this project ?


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