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Author Topic: 15b compatibility  (Read 5071 times)


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15b compatibility
« on: 17 February 2006, 22:22 »
Hi all

Does anyone know if...

1.   A 15b rudder can be fitted to a standard 15 without modification? Would it make a difference, or is the bigger rudder only there to compensate for the longer forward fuselage on the B model?

2.   A 15b wheel can be fitted to a standard 15 without needing to mod the undercarriage mechanism?

It would be nice to sharpen up the yaw response, and a little more ground clearance (and AoA on the ground run) would be helpful on our grass strip.

Thanks, chaps - happy flying!

Asw15 ‘15A’, Rougham, England


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Re:15b compatibility
« Reply #1 on: 18 February 2006, 01:50 »
Hi Chris

The rudder hinge works is a little differently between the 15 'a' & 'b'.  On the 15'a' the hinge is on the port side of the rudder - not in the centre as on the 'b' The 'b' uses cables to operate the rudder where as the 'a'  is moved via a push rod. So might involve quite a bit of work and to the best of my knowledge i'm not sure if that mod would have to be approved. Sorry to be a kill joy!!!

As for a wheel mod. the 15b's main wheel is quite a bit larger than the 'a' 's. As a result the retracting mechanism is quite different as well. I'm not sure it this can be changed 'unit for unit' - but you will need a larger gear hole + larger doors in the fuselage.

Really hope this hasn't poured cold water on your plans... I'm the proud owner of a 15a too and found the notes on here really helpful when making my first take offs with the C of G hook. Just be prepared with opposite rudder in the first stages of take off and crosswinds from the right!
Hope this can be of some help.

Offline Chris Pollard

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Re:15b compatibility
« Reply #2 on: 18 February 2006, 03:10 »
Hi Rich

No cold water at all - it was only a thought!

Thanks for the feedback - I didn't know that the rudder hinge line was different.

Have a good season!



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