After reconditioning my 15 I used a system from Eastern Sailplanes. It is a "frictionless seal" and it looks and works good. You see it on many high end planes, I have it on the tops and bottoms of the ails and both rudder sides. Comes as 3 rolls. One is doublesided stickey tape, one is a roll of regular thin white tape, one is the special mylar strip of seal(curved). You use mineral spirits to remove any wax or old tape gum, lay down the double sided sticky tape(very close to the control surface edge but on the plane) stick the special curved mylar strip down on the double sided tape, it has a slight curve to it so it keeps the gap closed as the control surface rotates away from it, it is about 1 inch wide. Then you put the white tape over the top of the mylar, making a nice faired step of the tapes. If you look around you will see this system on other planes, It is kindof expensive but it seals well and doesn't wear out in a season or two like many tapes that stick on both surfaces. Cost about 110.00 us for enough to do the top and bottom of the 15 with a bit left over. IT will NEVER get hard and cause aileron stiffness.