Hello fellow ASW15 flyers and Kamakinzi (AKA "Dust Boy"),
I wanted to share my findings and research pertaining mounted antennas within the vertical stabilizer...
I recently bought a new radio for my ASW15B. My glider came with a antenna with coax routed up to the front. During installation, I ohmed out the coax and found a direct DC short. I then asked Dust Boy to ohm his ASW15A gliders coax and antenna to see if it had a DC continuity short... it didnt.
After researching, which i should have recalled from my EM (Electromagnetics) class, I relized that 1/4 wave mono-pole antennas DONT have DC continuity while 1/2 wave dipoles do have DC continuity. I wont get into the gory details but just keep in mind that just because you get a DC continuity reading when 'ringing' out your antenna, dont mean its bad. RF continuity is not the same as DC continuity. Just wanted to share that with anyone that really cares.
The GOOD NEWS is that my glider did have a dipole and my new radio connected up to my stock coax/antenna works like a charm!! :laugh:
Eyes to the sky,