Hi Korey, I have the left wing in top coat, the rudder done(you should see the gloss, now I know what the fuss about Prestec is), and the stabs need wet sanding and buff(about 5 hours each). Greg was just here looking at my antennae install (factory) says you need one? Call the redio supplier and ask what works best since you have no factory one. I tried calling your cell and got a busy signal? Greg left his in the car so couldn't give me your number, call me again. Dave Nelson carved his own grip, don't ask where he got the pattern. I'll get you his number. Tow hook kit on the way ( I hope). I just swapped wings yesterday in the shop so when one more wing is done I can at least fly it till I get a chance to do the fuse. I need almost a month each. " just keep sanding, just keep sanding" .
dust boy