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Author Topic: Performance.  (Read 17628 times)


  • Guest
« on: 15 April 2004, 20:02 »
I am considering buying an ASW-15
(AS W-15?). One thing that I am unable to find is a review of the Sailplane. Some 500 were built so it 'was' obviously OK but a decent review would be reassuring. (The Libbelle for instance has several "This was the best glider I ever owned" type write ups).
Thanks in anticipation.


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« Reply #1 on: 15 April 2004, 20:03 »
You're right. There little information on the web about the asw15. That's a reason why I started this website.

Back to your question: Reichmann's book about soaring has the asw 15 as a starting point. And that book is still one of the bestselling books of soaring. Also there was a comparison between the Cirrus and the ASW15 in Aerokurier (in german) some years ago. A good story of the SSA about buying your first plane ishere.

In case of specific questions you can shoot them here in the forum.


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« Reply #2 on: 15 April 2004, 20:11 »
I have recently bought an ASW15 and am loving it. I found some info / review in Derek Piggots book Gliding Safety in the chapter on choosing a glider.

So far that info has been ok.



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« Reply #3 on: 15 April 2004, 20:12 »
Could you share the information in Pigott's review in a summary with us?


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« Reply #4 on: 15 April 2004, 20:12 »
Well I bought the sailplane, ZK (NZ) GGT. A picture of it is at the top of page 2 of the gallery. It has been in a trailer for 5 years so needs a bird nest removal kit and a major to the aileron runs. The trailer is out of the ark but I own a sailplane, so who cares!


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« Reply #5 on: 15 April 2004, 20:14 »
Congratulations! I wish you many great and safe flights. I guess you have to change your member name in "Ihaveone"  ;)

Cheers Johan

BTW Do you have a better photo of your ship?

ZK (NZ) GGT. A picture of it is at the top of page 2 of the galler

This pretty bad gif picture.


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« Reply #6 on: 15 April 2004, 20:15 »
I will sort one out in a few weeks, it is currently in the hands of a maintenance eng for some work. Idonthaveone refers to a nickname so I still dont. regards.


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« Reply #7 on: 15 April 2004, 20:16 »
I've had my 15 for about 8 years now. I fly x-country (300/500k), and in regional contest with it. It is a delight to fly, very responsive, and easy to land. I fly with a friend quite a bit who has the nicest standard Cirrus I have evey seen. In a side by side comparison we are even up to about 70 or 80 mph, then I start to fall off a little. On the flip side, I climb a little better most of the time. As a result we are really about the same in performance. Another thing I love about the 15 is that it is the fastest and easiest ship to assemble on the field. All in all it's a great glider for the money


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