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Author Topic: Air Brakes  (Read 12667 times)

Offline Frank Cwikla

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Air Brakes
« on: 10 January 2005, 11:02 »
The airbrakes on our ASW15B will not close completely at the ends. They stick above the wing surface for about 2-3 mm. Is this normal? Is there anything that we can do, to correct this? The wings are currently in a workshop, supported by 2 stands. The attached photo was taken in October 2004. The airfield belongs to Winnipeg Gliding Club in central Canada.

Offline Gil Kinzie

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #1 on: 13 January 2005, 00:21 »
Hi, the spoilers are suopposed to drop flush into their pockets.  If they don't then there is either an interferance fit in the pockets or the mechanism isn't adjusted correctly.  Also the pivot bushing holes can elongate, make sure the spoiler is tight in it's rodends with almost no play.
are all five springs and clips in place the hold the spoiler cap to the spoiler?

Offline Frank Cwikla

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #2 on: 13 January 2005, 10:57 »
Hi Gil,
Thank you for your response. I need to spend more time investigating the problem. My first guess was the springs pulling the caps down. They look a bit "tired". The glider has been stored in its trailer for 7 years. We got it flying again last summer and like it very much.
I will check all the items you listed and hopefully correct the problem.
Regards, Frank

Offline Gil Kinzie

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #3 on: 13 January 2005, 11:17 »
mine is such that there is a difinite" clunk" when the spoiler locks or unlocks it's position,  with the wing off you should be able to pull or push the spoiler control rod. and when pulled real hard it should clunk into a locked closed position.  At this point the cap should be flush with the wing.  These rods have adjustable ball ends to tune the detents properly.

Offline Frank Cwikla

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #4 on: 13 January 2005, 13:18 »
I get the "clunk" when the brakes lock in and the caps get into the channels. Most of the cap sits in properly, except for the last 3-4 inches at each end. The caps gradually rise to stick out for 2-3 mm at the ends.

It seems like the whole assembly could use more pull down force.
How do I adjust the push-rod?

I should have some pictures of this assembly posted in a few days.

For now, you can view 2 pictures of C-GZBY taken in October 2004.
Go the site listed below:


Offline Johan van Ravenzwaaij

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #5 on: 13 January 2005, 14:07 »
When it's not used for 7 years, it's possible that some of those springs are dried out. I think it's best to try to rinse and oil those moving parts, before you do some adjustments.

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Offline Gil Kinzie

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Re:Air Brakes
« Reply #6 on: 15 January 2005, 22:31 »
all the above, and I bet that if you look really closely, you will find that the cap is no longer flat, but has a low spot at each spring location.  Since the end springs are a few inches in this lets the end of the cap rise a little.  My caps have a series of 5 highs and lows that I can only help a bit with fillers and paint.  I think they deform after many years due to the spring ternsion,and that is the nature of the beast.


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