Hi All
My "easy" steps to winch launching with an offset hook:
- First setup with a drastic nose to the left direction
-Get the wing runner to hold back and make sure he/she UNDERSTANDS what you mean
- Get the winch driver to give SLOW acceleration
- Start with a boot full of left rudder
- Get the tail up as quickly as possible (this does not mean giving full down, as it will blank off airflow to the tail)
- Get the glider up onto its main wheel quickly (usually happens in the first 20m)
- Scale down on the rudder input as it now has full authority when the tail flies before the rest of the glider
- Watch out for over-run of the cable at this point
- Rotate slowly and keep tension on the line
- Enjoy the ride
This method gives me total confidence in winch launching as it does does not allow the glider to run off to the right to induce a ground loop.
Remember, if it does not work, pull the release before its too late.
Any other suggestions?
Lima 1