Hello All,
I have not been on the forum for a while. Could anyone answer this weight question;
I have just had the annual inspection of my ASW15 (not B version) done by our local engineer at it was also time to re-weigh the glider. The total mass (empty) was 537 lbs (243.5Kg) and the techincal sheet issued by the British Gliding Association says the maximum all up weight is 700lbs (317Kg) for aerobatic maneuvers or 721 lbs for non-aerobatic.
That means the maximum pilot weight is 163 lbs (73.9 Kg) for aerobatic or 184lbs (83.4Kg) for non-aerobatic flight.
I weigh 82Kg so with clothes, parachute and lunch I am well over the weight limit and cannot fly the glider any more.
HELP - have we got the all up weight right?
Thanks in advance.