In the pic in gallery captioned 'final approach' I notice you have a tail wheel. Is this an approved mod, did you have to buy plans/kit from agent?
The tailwheel is an official and approved mod, you can order the kit directly at Schleichers
Is it outrageously expensive? 
No, the item is not expensive (cheap is not possible in aviation

) We did the work ourselfs under supervision of a certified technician to keep within the budget.
I fly from a strip with narrow tarmac runways and our best conditions often involve strong crosswinds, so a tail wheel would be a bonus
In crosswinds it is for sure a big plus!
also there appears to be some kind of 'hoop' in the canopy - what is that?
Our ship is registered in the Netherlands. In the past, barbed wire was widely used by farmers. After some incidents and accidents the dutch air authorities set the "barbed wire deflectors" mandatory. Nowadays there is less barbed wire and due to better glide ratios lees outlandings, so the "hoops" are your own choice. For the 15 they are quite handy to handle the canopy.