Hi fellas!
I have around 300 hours + in gliders, and probably 1/3 of them have been flown in ASW15b. I absolutely love that glider and I want to keep flying it for at least a few years.
I'm not as rich of a gliderpilot as I am ambichous, but I am concidering to buy my own 15 at the moment, eventhough I can probably keep borrowing the two ASW15b gliders I have been using up till now.
After looking at the numerous ASW15 a-models for sale out there I see that they are usually priced significantly cheaper than the newer B-models. Some of them (especially when I can buy without trailer, 'cause I have one), are cheap enough for me to buy.
I know the b-version included som new features like: A larger rudder, wheel and water tanks. But I'm really wondering; From a competition perspective (club class), is there a real difference, and if so, how big?
Some say the B-version is significantly heavier. This will give it better perfomance at higher speeds than the a-model. How does the a-model "feel" in comparison to the b-model? If someone can fill me inn a bit more detailed on the differences that matter here (the flying itself), please do!

Is it correct that the A-model has a glideratio of 36 and the b-model (if in good condition and so on) has a glideratio of 38? That is quite a difference actually. Especially if the B-model also does a bit better when flying a bit faster. I guess one usuallly gets it on the money and so it is only fair enough.