As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm new to this gliding thing. Being a power pilot for many years, flying around without some sort of fan up front seems to me to be an un-natural act. My powered plane is a 1946 Piper PA-12 -- very nice and not much faster than our gliders. Owners of old Pipers are much like owners of old VW Beetles in that we are an opinionated and loquatious bunch. A Piper Cub type-specific site I once belonged to went back ages in time and had almost a new post a minute during the time I was a member. It was filled with a wealth of good information, many lies and BS stories and lots of people with a lot to say. I'm not seeing that here. Anybody have any idea why? Besides being old and bald, I'm just chock full of opinions, ideas and questions, but if I post them, will anybody ever read them?