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Author Topic: Rudder Question  (Read 2556 times)

Offline Peter Jackson

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Rudder Question
« on: 15 February 2011, 12:58 »
I bought a 15b last year and I'm having a lot of fun flying it; compared to the club k18 I used to fly, it is so much nicer.

Anyway, we (myself and my co-owners) have found that when flying at approx 55kts or more, we need to keep a slight pressure on both rudder pedals or else the glider goes into a slow and gentle yaw oscillation.

On the ground, we checked for slack in the connection between the rudder pedals and the rudder, and there does not seem to be any.   (We tested this by having someone move the rudder manually whilst someone else sat in the cockpit with feet on the pedals and vice versa)

Any ideas why the oscillation is happening?

Thanks, Peter


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