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Author Topic: Empty weight  (Read 3094 times)

Offline Henry Baker

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Empty weight
« on: 07 December 2010, 18:38 »
ASW 15 specs for empty weight is 451 lbs and gross at 700 lbs.  There is one 15 that weighs 535 empty and another that weighs 510 empty.  Both have been painted.  If you assume a pilot and parachute might weigh as much as 200-220 bs, one plane will fly at  35-55 lbs over gross and the second at 10-30 lbs over gross.  Is it safe to fly a 40 year old plane, this far over gross weight?  Henry


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Re: Empty weight
« Reply #1 on: 10 December 2010, 19:56 »
I think we're looking at the same airplanes Henry and coming to the same conclusions.  It would appear the 535 lb. ASW-15 could legally only support a 145-150 lb. pilot dressed to fly.  Which by todays (American) standards is close to malnourished.  I had this same problem several years ago when I started racing vintage formula cars.  In the end I reduced 70+ lbs. from my 5'11" frame to 150 lbs. and happily found I could fit anything...except for most of the clothes found in todays stores  ;D

Flying an airplane over the gross weight limit is not legal.  In the case of a 40 year old composite material aircraft with a known possible spare issue, it can't be very smart.  It's most likely that 10-20 lbs. over weight wouldn't make much difference if the CG is within limits.  I've tried to decipher the ASW-15 CG limits chart included in the flight manual with no luck.  Even after I translated the German I don't understand it.

Could someone please explain how the weight and balance information is used for the ASW-15?
« Last Edit: 13 December 2010, 15:16 by gtomlinson »


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