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Author Topic: Review  (Read 8210 times)


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« on: 15 April 2004, 13:31 »
Nice page.

 I am one of about 35 ASW15 owners in the US. I have never been able to locate a flight review for the 15, know of any? It is interesting that Reichmann uses the 15 as a reference in his book. I think it is alo interesting that the 15 and Standard Cirrus are the only gliders with a handicap of 1.0. Any idea how that came to be? Karl Streideck, one of our top pilots, once held an "Out and Return" world record in a 15. A fellow club member (still flying at age 82) remembers Streideck leaving the rest of the field in the dust while flying a 15 at a regional competition when glass ships were the new thing


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« Reply #1 on: 15 April 2004, 13:33 »
I know there was a 15 review in the Aerokurier some years ago. It compares the 15 with a cirrus. Only it's in german. I can scan artikle for you (In that case I have to do some digging )


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« Reply #2 on: 15 April 2004, 13:34 »
Hey Johan,
I am also considering a glider purchase and am trying to make some realistic comparisons between the 15, the Libelle, and a few others. Neither the 15 nor the Libelle were reviewed by Dick Johnson, but many of my other considered choices were. Dick hits the performance issues well but also covers the ergonomics issues. I am concerned with cockpit space. I am 5'10 about 200 lbs. Will I fit in the 15 with a parachute? Thanx


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« Reply #3 on: 15 April 2004, 13:35 »
I am 2 meters (6 feet?) tall and I fit. (mostly of the time  It's a bit cramped and remember: no pain: no gain . Now serious, I am making a new dashboard with more space for my legs. So I can sit more comfortable. This dashboard looks like the original and is made of glass fibre. I made a mould in case if somebody wants a copy. (I haven't installed it yet, I postponed that for the winter period).

Now about your weight: If your weight is around your belly; there is no problem. Do you look like Schwartzenegger: You won't fit, period.

The asw15 is very easy to (de)rig. Als handling is very easy, some german clubs use it as a trainer. From friends I heard that the libelle is a bit nervous to fly. But hey, you're asking a asw15 owner


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